1iPad InitiativesMobile Carts, 1:1 and iPads... Plan strategically toward school goals; revise/design policies and procedures. |
2Google AppsFREE student email solution and collaborative cloud computing... Deploy Google Apps for Education and implement successful digital practices. |
4Digital StorytellingiBooks Author & Book Creator Apps... Empower student creativity and communication skills as they integrate content with writing and media creation. |
5Apps & ResourcesApp Discovery & Curation... Explore new apps and discover great sites and search strategies to support all your teaching & learning needs. |
6Flip ClassroomFlip Classroom Strategies & Screencasting... Bring back the power of face-to-face teaching by using video as an instructional at-home tool. |
7Global CollaborationWally the Mammoth, Rock Our World, Flat Stanley, and Flat Classroom... Explore worldwide programs and connect with others from across the globe. |
8iTunes U & iBooksiTunes U & Course Manager... Explore a wealth of FREE educational resources and discover how your school can contribute to this global education effort. |
9Untethered TeachingAppleTV, Reflector, and AirPlay... Don't get tied down by wires and cables, learn strategies for improved classroom circulation. |